Diamond Way Buddhism

Authentic Buddhist teachings for contemporary life

Diamond Way

The Buddha imparted three levels of teachings, the goal of which is to achieve liberation and enlightenment. Hence, the great differences between the three levels of teaching are simply different steps along the way.

Of these levels, the most direct is the Vajrayana. Diamond Path is a lay school of Vajrayana Buddhism. It was founded in 1972 by Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife Hannah, who have established more than 600 Buddhist centers around the world following the wishes of the 16th Karmapa, the chief Lama of the Karma Kagyu Lineage.

Buddhist Meditation

In Buddhism, meditation means “resting effortlessly in what is.” The most effective method is identification with one's own Buddha nature, a method taught in the Diamond Path. The moment the unity between the seer, what is seen, and the act of seeing remains intact (both during meditation and between moments of meditation), the goal of the Great Seal is achieved.

Being a buddhist

Buddhist teachings seek to meaningfully use the body, speech and mind in accordance with what the Buddha recommended. Since the Buddha's teachings are based on experience and not belief, it is not enough to describe their content.

The Buddha teaches that the cause of suffering is not evil but ignorance. Therefore, the goal is to eliminate ignorance, until the behavior of the beings of beings leads to lasting joy.

Lama Ole Nydahl, The way things are

National Project

Let's build the San Mateo Buddhist Center together

Events and News

Español de Costa Rica